Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Supercrush: Gentleman Rene Mayo

These GIF images will forever be on your liquid dreams. Meet our guy.

Rene Mayo.

Social Networking sites like Youtube and Facebook had encouraged all hopefuls to take their shot of their own 15 minutes of fame. Gone are the days when people get famous for topping or winning exams and competitions or just making a difference in the society. Nowadays people just use irritating Korean Pop music, clear lights and sing, dance or whatever , never really caring if they have to talent to do so, what's important is they get a million views or hundreds of 'likes'. What's really irritating are those who whose willing to look whor-ific just to gain attention. (insert- cleavage exposure, attention seeking bulges for guys) Take for example that Harlem Shake song. The Mix was great but the videos that followed, ugh... And who would forget that Call me Maybe versions that I am glad we survived from last year.

I promise I never get offended by these videos, who wouldn't wanna see some guys in skimpy shorts dancing seductively in the comfort of your own computer screen.Or for straight men, girls Gyomi-ng
with their boobs bigger than their head? (believe me, these men won't really care about those sick Gyomi hand gestures)

Please disregard the last 2 paragraphs. I'm a sucker for dancing men in skimpy shorts. ♥

here's the video. I know you've seen this a hundred times. But i know you'll click the play button again,

and now he is back with his own Giyomi version. Ugh this has to stop!

now here's more of his Hotness ♥

here's more

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