Monday, 8 October 2012

How to Handle a break-up or Disappointment in 6 Easy Steps

thought this is worth sharing :)
I don't really recommend Step 6:
Enjoy ♥

okay so i didn’t want to make the title too long
but this can go with people you have had sex with, or people who have dated and fucked you over.

Step 1 - the first step is to block & delete them off of facebook. This is very important because you would be too tempted to look at their profile 24.7. The key thing about blocking them is you will never see any activities they do on facebook, and they can’t see yours. Facebook is a hearts death trap - considering almost all flirting is done over facebook.

Step 2 -the second step is todeletethem off your phone or bbm. The earlier you completely you cut off all contact with them, the easier it will be to move on and get over it. Also, it’s a great piss off. If they text you and you text back asking who they are, and they know you’ve deleted their number.

Step 3 - Get rid of anything that was theirs, they gave to you, or reminds you of them. This is extremely important because anything that reminds you of them will only make the healing process longer. It’s better to do all of this at once. Some ways you can ‘dispose’ of the cluster fuck, is to burn it, cut it up, throw it away and tie the bag, or just leave it on their front door step.

Step 4 - The fourth step to getting over somebody, is depression. You should take about 1-7 days to grieve. You need to cry all day, eat lots of food, listen to depressing music, watch sappy movies and realize how shitty your life is, and cry, cry, cry, cry you’re little bleeding heart out. The time period you use for this process is all based on the time length of which you two mingled, or the events that happened to get you here. reading this post. DO NOT let this process go for more than 7 days (a week).

Step 5 - This step is my favorite step. GIRLS NIGHT. Get all you’re girls together, and get fucking shit faced. Get so drunk you don’t even know you’re drunk, and bitch allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll night. If your friends are understanding, they will accept you and your bitching for the night, and join in. The best part of girls night is you and your friends finally realize how big of a dick that person really was.

Step 6 - okay i lied this is my favorite step. REVENGE . Revenge is sweet, and never tastes better when the person deserves it. If you are a revenge type of gal, here are some suggestions to ruining the life of the person who ruined yours (aka that bastard).
- sleep with their bestfriend/brother and tell everyone
- make up a nasty rumour (i.e. STD’s)
- inject them with aids
- tell EVERYONE he had a small dick
- make him jealous
- hack his facebook and spam it with 1D
- if they have tumblr spam their inbox with hate
- post really horrible/embarrassing pictures of them
- print out flyers with his picture and write milimeterpeter, cheater, lier ect.
- put laxatives in their food/drink at school or out in public
- drug them with acid
- beat them up
- have someone else beat them up
- key or smash their car
- pee on their car or house
- soap their windows
- light bag of shit on fire on their porch, ring the doorbell, and fucking run
- Egg and tipi their car or house
- call their parents and tell them he’s knocked you up *(use a different name)*
- prank call them everyday
- call their parents or cops and tell them where their stash is (if they do drugs)

Written by: April Stewardson
Racheal Taylor - www.highschool-fucked-me-

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